Operating Model for continuous innovation

How We Drive Continuous Innovation and Growth at Human and Machine

Picture this: you’re at a bustling kitchen, pots clanging, knives chopping, and a delicious aroma wafting through the air. You’re watching a chef who seems to effortlessly whip up a gourmet meal, using just a few simple ingredients. The dish is complex yet elegant, satisfying yet leaving you wanting more.That’s pretty much what we do at Human and Machine, except our kitchen is your business, and our ingredients are cutting-edge product management practices, a lean and integrated consulting approach, and a focus on developing your internal team. And trust me, the results are just as delectable.

The Recipe for Success: Our Operating Model

So, what’s our secret sauce? It’s not just about what we do; it’s about how we do it. At Human and Machine, our operating model is designed to deliver continuous innovation and growth—think of it as a well-oiled machine that’s always pushing your business forward. Here’s a taste of what goes into our recipe:

1. The Lean, Mean Consulting Machine:
Delivered by Just One Person

Ever heard the saying, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”? Well, in consulting, too many consultants can sometimes do the same. That’s why we take a lean approach. Instead of overwhelming you with a small army of consultants, we deliver our services through just one highly experienced individual.Why just one? It’s simple—efficiency. When you’ve got one person who’s an expert in everything from product management to people development, you cut down on the endless meetings, conflicting advice, and layers of bureaucracy. This person doesn’t just consult—they integrate themselves into your team, understanding your unique challenges and working side by side with your people to drive change.A client once joked, “I didn’t just hire a consultant; I hired a Swiss Army knife!” That’s exactly the point. We’re not here to overcomplicate things; we’re here to simplify and amplify.

2. Integrated Approach:
Because Silos Are So Last Season

Imagine trying to bake a cake where each ingredient is added separately, with no mixing. You’d end up with something pretty unappetizing, right? The same goes for business consulting. At Human and Machine, we take an integrated approach to ensure that every aspect of your organization is working in harmony.This means breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across teams—product management, engineering, marketing, you name it. We don’t just focus on one area and hope the rest follows suit. We ensure that everyone is on the same page, working towards the same goals, and, most importantly, communicating effectively.I once worked with a company where the product team and the engineering team barely spoke to each other. They might as well have been in different time zones. When we integrated the teams, it was like watching a group of soloists suddenly transform into a well-rehearsed orchestra. The result? A symphony of innovation that led to rapid growth.

3. People Development:
Coaching Your Team to Greatness

Here’s a little secret: the real key to sustainable growth isn’t just a great product; it’s great people. That’s why we focus heavily on internal people development through coaching.We don’t just tell your team what to do; we show them how to do it—and then empower them to keep doing it long after we’re gone. This means upskilling your employees, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to succeed.One CEO I worked with was initially skeptical about the coaching approach. He was used to consultants coming in, dropping a bunch of recommendations, and then leaving. But after seeing how much his team’s confidence and skills grew through regular coaching sessions, he was hooked. His favorite quote now? “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

4. Framework for Product Management Operational Excellence:
Because Innovation Needs Structure

Innovation is great, but without structure, it can quickly turn into chaos. That’s why we focus on creating a robust framework for product management operational excellence. This framework acts as the backbone of your product strategy, ensuring that your teams have a clear process to follow, from ideation to execution.Think of it as a roadmap that guides your product teams, helping them navigate the twists and turns of product development with confidence. We help you establish best practices, set up the right metrics, and create a culture of accountability.One client described this process as “building the tracks while driving the train.” It’s a perfect analogy because, while we’re helping you innovate and grow, we’re also laying down the infrastructure that will support and sustain that growth over the long term.

5. Locking in Technology and Data Infrastructure:
The Engine That Drives It All

Finally, we come to the engine of the whole operation—your technology and data infrastructure. In today’s digital age, having the right tools and data is crucial to making informed decisions and staying ahead of the competition.We work with you to ensure that your technology stack is not only up to date but also fully aligned with your business goals. This means integrating your systems, optimizing your data flow, and ensuring that you have the insights you need to make strategic decisions.One CTO I worked with compared it to upgrading from a bicycle to a sports car. “We were pedaling hard, but we weren’t getting anywhere fast. Now, we’re speeding ahead, and the road is wide open.”

The Final Dish:
Continuous Innovation and Growth

So, what’s the final result? When you blend all these ingredients together, you get a consulting approach that’s not just about quick fixes but about creating a foundation for continuous innovation and growth.At Human and Machine, we’re not just interested in helping you win today’s race. We want to make sure you’re positioned to win tomorrow’s as well. That’s why our operating model is all about empowering your team, integrating your operations, and building a sustainable framework for success.In the end, it’s like that gourmet meal we talked about at the beginning—complex yet elegant, satisfying yet leaving you wanting more. And just like with any great dish, the secret isn’t just in the ingredients; it’s in how they’re put together.

Ready for a Taste?

If you’re ready to transform your business into a powerhouse of continuous innovation and growth, we’d love to help. At Human and Machine, we’ve got the recipe for success and we can’t wait to share it with you.